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100' Tape Measure

100' Tape Measure
SKU: TM-100C

100' Tape Measure

  • Though fiberglass tape displays sea on one side and metric on the other.
  • Protruding marker at the bottom of the case makes measuring easier.
  • For long-distance measuring.
  • It's tougher, more flexible, and safer than steel.
  • Gives more accurate and longer service, as proven by numerous field tests.
  • Won't rust or corrode.
  • Stains disappear by water washing.
  • Large handle speeds operation. High impact.
  • One-piece molded plastic case so smartly yet functionally designed, it won industrial design award of UNESCO:
  • Precision measurement with your lesson tape measure.


  • Temperature correction is not necessary for normal use with the tension of 4.4 lbs or less applied to the tape measure correction to compensate for elasticity is seldom required.
  • In the general survey, however, greater tension is usually used and the following correction should be made:
  • Measurements obtained at 1lbs. tens on should be corrected by 0.02in per 3FT. Measurements obtained at 22lb. tension should be corrected by 0.04 in per 3ft.
  • The tape measure will return to normal after tension is removed.
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